Pomp: Personalized Skincare Recommendations

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When To Start Using Anti-Aging Skincare

Most people think to start using anti-aging products once they notice those crow’s feet sneaking up around their eyes or the expression lines settling in their forehead. However, the best time to address signs of aging is before you even see any!

Aging Skin is Inevitable

Aging is a natural part of life. Fine lines usually start forming around the late 20’s or early 30’s, and can appear earlier with environmental and lifestyle factors such as smoking, and underlying health conditions. Throughout my esthetician career, I have found that we are only concerned with aging when we start to see it on our skin. It seems to be human nature to not focus on something until it’s a problem staring us in the face, literally in this case.

When it comes to signs of aging in the skin, it is much easier to prevent signs of aging than to erase them! Because of this, I feel the best time to start using anti-aging products is as soon as possible.

What to Use to Prevent the Signs of Aging 

Preventative aging measures should start when we are infants through the use of SPF and sun protection from clothing. This means it is up to our parents to protect us from sun damage that accumulates within the skin and shows up later in life as signs of aging.

A consistent skincare regimen should start in the early teen years with an emphasis on a gentle non-stripping cleanser and an SPF every single day at minimum for those of us with normal non-acneic skin. The later teen years are a great time to start introducing a chemical exfoliant like an AHA or BHA toner or serum.

Anti-Aging Skincare in Your 20's

Once we reach our twenties we can start thinking about adding in ingredients like vitamin C; a powerful youth-preserving antioxidant and vitamin A or retinol; a regenerating and exfoliating ingredient. It is crucial that SPF is the main priority when adding in exfoliating ingredients as they do make our skin more photosensitive and will accelerate the aging process without proper sun protection.

If I had my way, every 25 year olds would be on a consistent skincare regimen that includes vitamin C, an SPF of at least 30, and a hydroxy acid or retinol which will all help to preserve youth and prevent premature aging. 

Addressing Aging Beyond Skincare 

Although it is never too late to start addressing aging concerns in the skin, if you do start using anti-aging products later in life once signs of aging are already visible, it is entirely possible to improve them but not possible to get rid of them altogether. For this you will want to find a credible medical spa or cosmetic dermatologist that can consult you and create a comprehensive treatment plan consisting of treatments like micro-needling and lasers, to achieve your desired results. 

Whether you are young and want to be proactive in preventing signs of aging or older and wanted to treat existing wrinkles and collagen loss it is never a bad idea to support your skin with nourishing and regenerating ingredients as well as protect your skin from the sun whenever possible! Chat with a Pomp esthetician to learn more about what products are best for your skin type!