Get To Know a Licensed Esthetician x Tiffany Underwood 

Within the skincare industry, every licensed Esthetician has inspiring expertise to share regarding skincare products, ingredients, at-home regimens, and more. This expertise, however, is rarely heard and acknowledged amidst everchanging TikTok trends and skinfluencers. Pomp is solely designed to elevate the Esthetician-to-client experience, which is why we created a Board of Estheticians. Not only to share each licensed Esthetician’s experience and expertise with their clients but the industry at large. The more Estheticians inform our own development and business practices as a company, the more we can empower licensed Estheticians and revolutionize the way we approach skincare. 

Today, we shine a spotlight on Tiffany Underwood, a dedicated Esthetician who contributes to Pomp’s Board of Estheticians. As we delve into her experiences, challenges, and triumphs, Tiffany shares her insights into the world of aesthetics and how Pomp has played a pivotal role in her success.

Tiffany embarked on her journey as a licensed Esthetician in 2022, armed with a passion for skincare fueled by her journey of overcoming acneic skin. Her commitment to empowering others to feel confident and radiant is evident in the array of services she offers at SkinCo.

Services and Specialties

At SkinCo, Tiffany's expertise shines through in her corrective facial treatments, ranging from Jet plasma and microneedling to peels and beyond. Her true specialty lies in curating regimens and educating clients on the significance of at-home care. Tiffany is dedicated to continuous learning, emphasizing the importance of skin analysis to provide her clients with optimal skincare recommendations.

“You need to understand products, ingredients, and mechanisms of the skin and how the skin and a variety of skin conditions will react to these things.” 

Passion for Education

Tiffany's commitment to education extends beyond her studio. If given the chance to present on any topic related to aesthetics, she would choose the fundamental importance of skin analysis. 

“Skin analysis forms the bedrock for tailoring products and treatments to address each client's unique needs effectively.”

From Struggle to Success

Tiffany's struggle with acneic skin paved the way for her career as a licensed Esthetician. After failed attempts with medications recommended by her doctor, a compassionate Esthetician helped her overcome hormonal acne through at-home care and lifestyle changes, igniting Tiffany's desire to make a similar impact with those who know what it is like to have their confidence hindered by their skin. Her journey from personal struggle to professional success is a testament to the transformative power of an Esthetician’s expertise and insight into the world of beauty and wellness.

Challenges and Triumphs

Graduating from Esthetician School may equip you with the science and expertise you need to help your clients, but many Estheticians feel lost in the realm of business and marketing after graduation. How do I market myself? How do I know which brands are trustworthy? What if the line I want to recommend involves consulting a medical director?

Opening SkinCo presented Tiffany with an array of these exact challenges, her main struggle involving selecting the best products from various professional skincare lines. Pomp, with its virtual client management tools and access to clinical-grade skincare brands, proved to be the solution she needed. Exceeding her expectations, Pomp not only addressed her concerns regarding products and inventory, but she also found a supportive community of Estheticians and experts which encouraged her to trust both her expertise and to dive into the world of social media. 

Best Client Experience

Tiffany's most rewarding client experience involved a woman with Grade 3 acne, an autoimmune illness, and balancing a myriad of medications. Through a tailored treatment and home care plan, Tiffany witnessed her client's journey to clear skin, improved self-confidence, and a thriving life in a new location and job.

Words of Wisdom

To her fellow Estheticians, Tiffany offers this wise advice: 

“Be the good and kind in the industry. Be open to new products and brands while emphasizing the importance of understanding the science behind them.”

Just for Fun: Tiffany’s Dream Client

When asked about her dream client, Tiffany didn't hesitate to choose TikTok influencer Alix Earle. Inspired by Alix's beauty, humor, and shared struggles with acne, Tiffany envisions the opportunity to help her achieve skin success with a curated at-home solution.

Tiffany Underwood's journey embodies the essence of aesthetics – a blend of passion, resilience, and the belief that skincare can improve your overall quality of life. Pomp's role in Tiffany's success is a testament to the platform's commitment to empowering Estheticians and revolutionizing the skincare industry. As we step into the new year, let Tiffany's story inspire you to set ambitious business goals, embrace the challenges ahead, and continue making a positive impact in your clients' lives.


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