How to Sell Skincare Enhancements as a Licensed Esthetician

Estheticians! The beauty industry is in a self-care mode. Marketing at-home treatments more than ever right now.

The best part about being an esthetician is spending time with our clients. Getting to know them, their skin, and further educating them. Whether you’re seeing a client for a 30 minute wax appointment or a 2 hour permanent makeup appointment, your time with them is valuable. They trust you with one aspect of their skin and you have their full attention.

When it comes to up-selling our Pomp's new enhancements, the following is key...

  • Utilize the products yourself!

    We can better upsell when we’ve actually tried them, right? Pick your favs! If you’ve been using your new Rose Quartz stone, tell them all about it while you’re doing a facial massage. You even include it as a demonstration in your facial treatment.

  • Ask your client questions!

    Ask them what some of their other body/skin concerns are.

  • Listen, relate, and educate!

    If they tell you they feel like their hair has been shedding so much and you can relate, say so! And tell them all about our new hair care line that’s reduced your shedding.

  • Focus on Seasonality

    Say you or your client are prone to dry lips. Mention to your client how you’ve been using the PCA Overnight Lip Mask and your lips are now smooth, plump, and hydrated.

You have to remember you’re the professional here, and not only do your clients trust you, but they also want to do what you do! So spill the tea.

  • Consider who your ideal client is

    What do they do for fun? What’s her style and life-style like? If you tend to see clients 50+, we know thinning hair and sagging in the neck area is a common thing amongst these age groups, so talk haircare and Nectifirm. Or, you might have the 30-40 aged Cali girl who’s all about fun in the sun-body oil and tinted lip hydrators are her go to. Say you have the 25 year old who’s all about scents and wants a new fragrance for every date of the week.

Target your clients and get to know them. The upsells will roll in!

Andrea McCollough, Pomp Licensed Esthetician

Owner/Operator of AM Aesthetics, LLC 

Clear skin not only begins with the integrity of products you put on your skin, but also what you ingest into your body; whatever you consume reflects through our body's largest organ - the skin. I've always had a passion for helping people and that combined with a love of skincare in my teenage years destined me to be an esthetician. I love boosting others' confidence!


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Your Complete Skincare How-To Guide