Ice Rollers: Skincare Green Flag or Red Flag?

The infamous ice roller... skincare green or red flag?

As a licensed esthetician, I must say I am a huge fan of pretty much any beauty tool. There are so many fun modalities and machines I get to work with in the beauty industry, but the ice roller is something so simple and foolproof that it has to be one of my top favorite things to use both in facials for my clients and at home on myself. Questions I constantly get asked as a medical aesthetician are: “Does this really work? Will I really see results? How long is it going to be before I actually see a difference?” My answer is and will always be the same to these questions. Consistency is key and combined with the correct skincare routine, the results can be stellar. If you struggle with puffiness, redness, dryness, acne, or just want an easy anti-aging routine, ice rollers are for you.

Using an ice roller at home is a lovely way to incorporate a self care practice and can take anywhere from 2-15 minutes depending on what works for you and your schedule. I’m sure most of us would love to get a full hour facial every week but for most that is unattainable. Lucky for us all, ice rollers and beauty tools come in handy for those of us in a time crunch.

Green Flag: Ice Rollers

Ice rollers are great for all skin types, and truly are a simple tool that anyone can use.

We are all bound to wake up some mornings feeling puffy, dehydrated, and dull. Ice rollers are a magical tool that can help to reduce inflammation, push product into the skin, and move the lymphatic system. The practice of using an ice roller can come in handy before an event, after a sunburn, during pregnancy, to calm redness, andmore. Using ice rollers regularly will help the skin appear tighter, fresher, and brighter.

Red Flag: Dirty Ice Rollers

Make sure to sanitize your roller after each use. If you are storing it in the fridge or freezer, ideally store it in a clean baggie to keep it from getting dirty. (This goes for all beauty tools-keep them clean!) Think of it this way, would you put moisturizer on at the end of the day without washing your face and using clean hands? The same goes for your ice roller. Keeping your tools clean and using them on a clean fresh face is the best way to use them.

Benefits of ice rollers:

  • Reduces inflammation, swelling, and puffiness

  • Shrinks capillaries

  • Reduces and soothes redness

  • Calms redness after waxing or derma planing

  • Reduces swelling of cystic acne

  • Soothing for razor burn and post shave

  • Calms itchiness from bug bites, breakouts, active product overuse

  • Eases headaches

  • Feels great, especially after an intense workout or wild night out

  • Reduces risk of dermatitis, psoriasis, premature aging, acne, etc. due to its calming nature. Each of these skin related issues comes from being dry, inflamed, and unkept so ice rollers can help by preventing them from escalating.

Roller Options:

Ice rollers generally come in two forms: stainless steel or gel that you can freeze. There are also glass or metal ice globes that have become quite popular during facials in spas due to their small shape. Any of these options will do the job.

Type: Metal Vs. Gel

Typically metal globes stay cold longer so they are ideal for those who feel like they need the extra cold penetration. This being said, metal rollers will send that cold temperature deep into the skin and last for longer amounts of time than a gel roller. If you struggle with very sensitive or reactive skin, starting with a gel roller may benefit you a bit more as they are a bit more gentle on the skin and don’t feel as abrasive.


Globe shaped rollers are great for massage around those hard to reach areas like the eyes and jawline. Flat headed rollers will help to cover larger areas like the cheeks, forehead, and neck. Some rollers even come equipped with different attachment heads for dual usage in these areas.

Usage Recommendations:

How to use:

  • Clean the skin before use for best results.

  • Applying a serum, mask, or oil to lubricate the skin before use is ideal. This can double as both a lubrication for the roller and will help to push product deeper into the skin. -Move the roller in an upwards motion starting at the center of the face, working your way to the outer edges of the face to assist in lymphatic drainage. This will help even more with de-puffing.

  • Finish with a hydrating moisturizer, serum, or face mist.

  • Clean, place in the freezer (ziplock baggie for extra cleanliness), and repeat daily.


  • Ice rollers are a great tool to use first thing in the morning when you’re feeling extra puffy and need to drain the lymph system, but any time of day is a great time to use them. -When incorporated into your daily routine, I’d recommend using your ice roller after you’ve cleansed and toned your skin, but before putting on moisturizer.

  • Beauty tools and ice rollers are lovely post workout, after an active facial with extractions, or to calm the skin post waxing.

  • Stay consistent. Beauty tools are a great tool that can be used just about any time but to see the best results in the skin, using ice rollers daily is the gold standard.

Things to be mindful of:

  • Be cautious with your rollers when you remove them from the freezer, especially the metal rollers. You want to let them defrost for 15 minutes or put them under some warm water if they’ve been in the freezer overnight. (Think “A Christmas Story” tongue-on-a- frozen-pole-scene... damp skin plus a frozen roller can be risky.) Most rollers will come with an instruction manual on how to properly freeze them, but if you’re anything like myself, you’ll just leave it in the freezer to save yourself a step.

  • Sanitize rollers after each use. Many rollers have a detachable head which makes this easier.

  • If you’ve gotten any injections or aggressive laser treatments in the past week, avoid using your ice roller as it can push product into unwanted areas. If you are ever uncertain of these things, just ask your esthetician or nurse providing those services.

Ice rollers are a huge green flag in my book so I highly recommend them to all of my clients for that extra skincare boost. Self care rituals are an amazing habit to get into and can be catered to your needs based on whatever you have the time for. If you incorporate this self care practice even once a week, I’m sure you won't be disappointed with the endless benefits it has to offer your skin.

Demi Mellett

I have a passion for all things related to wellness and believe that it plays a huge role in our skin beauty. I love to help my clients experience the joy of achieving great skin and watching that process through each and every step of the way. My ultimate goal is to be your lifelong resource for all things aesthetic.

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