What Ferulic Acid Can Do for Your Skin

Ferulic Acid is an ingredient found in skincare that can help improve a lot of skin concerns and overall skin health!

Ferulic Acid is a skincare ingredient that is quickly gaining popularity and can be found in many skincare formulations, especially with Vitamin C and Vitamin E. This ingredient is well worth the attention it has been getting and as an Esthetician, I feel it is my duty to share with you why that is and why I recommend it for my clients.

What is Ferulic Acid?

Ferulic Acid (FA) is a compound that is part of the phenolic acid group and is even more specifically a cinnamic acid derivative. These acids are naturally derived from plant cell walls and are best known for their antioxidant properties. FA can be found in foods like whole grains, apples, grapes, spinach, and tomatoes. It is wonderful for our health when consumed and equally helpful for our skin when applied topically. At first, FA was predominately used in cosmetic formulations as a stabilizer for other active ingredients such as Vitamin C and E, then it was discovered that Ferulic Acid in itself is a highly effective skincare ingredient.

Benefits of Ferulic Acid in Skincare

Ferulic Acid is known for its antioxidant photo-protective effect. When applied prior to both UVA and UVB exposure, FA has been proven to protect our cells and DNA from free radical damage. Ferulic Acid inhibits the creation of ROS (reactive oxygen species) within the body, this means it has an anticancer property, as UVB induced ROS are significant contributors to skin cancer.  Ferulic Acid also protects the main structures within our skin that maintain its youth; this includes fibroblasts, keratinocytes, collagen, and elastin. In other words, it helps to minimize and prevent fine lines. Another fantastic benefit of Ferulic Acid that is hard to resist is, like Vitamin C it possesses the ability to interfere with melanogenesis for preventing hyperpigmentation and is helpful in treating melasma. It is a brightening ingredient, especially when paired with Vitamin C or Niacinamide. When formulated with Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic acid) and Vitamin E (a-tocopherol) it stabilizes them and enhances their photoprotective capabilities to an unprecedented level, this is why we often see formulations with FA, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. It is also anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial which can be helpful for acneic skin as well.

What to Look for in a Ferulic Acid Skincare Product

If you are concerned with preventing photo-aging I would highly recommend incorporating Ferulic Acid into your skincare. When choosing a Ferulic Acid product it is best to choose a serum. Serums have a smaller molecular size and can penetrate the skin more effectively than other types of skincare products. Most serums containing Ferulic Acid will also be formulated with Vitamin C, since the two work so well together, and because it is so nice to get the benefits of both within the same product, these serums are a great option.

If you are intrigued by the benefits of Ferulic acid and want to experience them for yourself, our Pomp Esthetician’s would be happy to recommend a Ferulic Acid product to you and help you to incorporate it into your routine! 

Nicole Hatfiled, Pomp Licensed Esthetician

NBC HWC & Certified Esthetician, Founder of Radiant Beings Wellness & Beauty Coaching.

6 years of experience in both medical and natural aesthetics, as well as a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach based in Florida. Nicole's philosophy is that wellness and beauty are connected in a very powerful way.


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